Being register as a company is always turned to be a hectic schedule while accompanying with several rules and guidelines. In India as per New Companies Act, 2013; different companies of different rules as for private limited, public limited, govt. company, semi government company, One Person Company, NGO and many more. Company law for varied companies generally varies that need to be accompanied by the owners or partners before applying with company registration.
Company Registration India acts and laws do not only bring the status of legality but also the level of credibility and reliability in the target market. Companies with business laws are always preferred by the target audience where they expect the services with high quality ad best cost. Registered products and services are always be treated with high concern in compare of those unregister services. Thus, not only from law point of view but also from marketing and branding purpose; those company registration services have really proved to be as a bloom for all types of business houses.
Let’s start the registration procedure: 4 Steps
Step 1: Acquire Director Identification Number(DIN)
This is the first process in registration that each director of the company should obtain their identification number. As per the amendment act 2006, acquiring a DIN is compulsory for every director i.e. as such every existing and intending directors have to obtain their DIN. To get DIN one need to file a eForm DIN-1. The DIN-1 form is available on Official site of the ministry of corporate affairs the link is DIN-1 Form.
Step 2: Acquire Digital Signature Certificate(DSC):
In order to ensure the security or authenticity of documents filed electronically the information act 2000 demands a valid digital signature on the documents submitted electronically. This is the only and safest way that one can submit their documents electronically. The digital signature certificate should be acquired by only those agencies which are appointed by the controller of certification agencies (CCA). One should not use DSC given by any other agency which is not approved and it’s illegal to use others DSC as yours or the false one.
If you already have a digital signature then you can use the same, no need to apply for another. But do check for your digital signature validity, agencies issue DSC’s with one or two year validity after expiry you have to renew it.
One can acquire his/her Digital Signature certificates from these government listed agencies like TCS, IDBRT, MTNL, SAFESCRYPT, NIC, nCODE Solutions etc. to check out their price details of these Govt approved agencies, Go to this link.
Step 3: Create a account on MCA Portal – New user registration
This is about having a registered user account on MCA Portal for filing a eForm, for online fee payment, for different transactions as registered and business user. Creating an account is totally free of cost. To register yourself on the MCA portal, click on the register link.
Step 4: Apply for the company to be registered.
This is the final major step in a registration of your company which includes incorporating company name, Registering the office address or notice of situation of office and notice for appointment of company directors, manager and secretary. And also regarding the take and pay for their qualification shares.
After submitting these forms, once the application has been approved by MCA, you will receive a confirmation email regarding the application for incorporation of a new company, and the status of the form will get changed to Approved.
Formalities to be followed while company Incorporation in India:
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