A tax is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or administrative division. Failure to pay tax is punishable by law.Tax is not a voluntary payment or donation.It is a contribution imposed by government, state or administrative division to enable them to meet the expenses.
So if anybody earns an income, he should share a portion of the same with the government. In India, taxes are divided in Direct Indirect Tax.
The way in which taxes are imposed, decides whether the tax is direct or indirect.
If a tax is levied directly on a person income then they are called direct taxes
Whereas the indirect taxes are levied on a product or a service the incidence of which is borne by the consumers who ultimately consume the product or the service.
For example I earn Rs. 12 Lac as salary. Suppose I need to pay Rs. 8000 as income tax on this salary income. Since the income tax of Rs. 8000 is directly levied on my salary income hence income tax is direct taxes.
Suppose in second case, I paid Rs. 950 (Rs. 900 basic amount + Rs. 50 as service tax) as my mobile bill to Airtel. Airtel will retain Rs. 900 and pay the Service tax Rs. 50 to the government.
Difference between Direct Tax and Indirect Tax:
There are different implications of direct and indirect taxes on the country. However, both types of taxes are important for the government as taxes include the major part of revenue for the government.
Key differences between Direct and Indirect Tax are:
Both direct and indirect taxes are important for the country as they are intricately linked with the overall economy. As such, collection of these taxes is important for the government as well as the well-being of the country. Both direct taxes and indirect taxes are collected by the central and respective state governments according to the type of tax levied.
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