Tag: Tax adviser in India

Faceless scheme

Faceless schemes and e-proceedings

Introduction: The government has taken steps in transforming its judicial system by going completely faceless and using e-proceedings. Faceless e-proceedings started off as a pilot-based email assessment but has now gone completely faceless. Even the first appellate proceedings as well penalty proceedings have gone faceless with notices and orders being received on a daily basis.

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Reduced corporate taxes

Various amendments to Income-tax Act, 1961 {Finance (no.2) Act, 2019} has been introduced vide Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019. In order to boost growth in this period of sluggish economy and to promote “Make in India” initiative, Govt. of India has made series of announcements stated here as under: A new section 115BBA has been

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Residential status and taxability of an individual

The residential status under Income Tax law plays a vital role while considering taxation of certain incomes of an Individual. It is not related to citizenship of a country. The residential status of a person is required to be determined for each assessment year in order to ascertain the scope of his total income. The

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Filing tax return for a deceased person

It is a misconception that person’s tax liabilities end with his life. Filing an income tax return (ITR) is mandatory if your income is taxable. But, it’s not only the living who are required to pay their taxes. ITR for deceased person also needs to be filed in case where a person dies and had

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Tax breaks not to be missed

Investing a little time and thought into process of filing Income tax return (ITR) can allow you to claim deductions you might have missed, while submitting your investment declarations. Savings account interest: Your savings account is credited every quarter with interest on amount it holds at the end of quarter, this amount earned by you

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