Accounting policies are the specific principles, procedures, rules, and practices applied by an entity’s management to prepare and present financial statements.
Example: Valuation of inventory using FIFO, average cost or another reasonable basis as per IAS 2. Basis of measurement of non-current assets such as historical cost and revaluation basis. Accrual basis of preparation of financial statements.
This standard shall be applied in:
Change in accounting policies
The company’s management is authorized to change an accounting policy (AP) only if the change:
It would be changed retrospectively. It means adjusting the opening balance of each affected equity component for the earliest prior period presented and comparative amounts disclosed for each last period shown as if the new accounting policy had always been applied.
Changes in accounting estimates
Accounting estimates are the techniques or estimations used by management to recognize amounts in financial statements where accurate values cannot be determined. Changes in accounting estimates result from the latest information or developments. They are based on specialized knowledge and judgement derived from experience and training. Examples of accounting estimates include the useful life of non-current assets.
Difference between accounting estimation and accounting policies
Particulars | Accounting estimation | Accounting policies |
Definition | Approximate amount | Principal applied by top management |
Treatment | Prospectively | Retrospectively |
Accounting treatment of changes in accounting estimate:
The effects of change in accounting estimate are applied eventually, i.e. from the date of the change in estimate by including it in the statement of profit and mislaying in:
Suppose a change in accounting estimate relates to asset, liability, or equity items. In that case, it shall be recognized by adjusting the carrying amount of the related item of asset, liability, or equity in the period of the change.
Prior period errors
Prior period errors are deletion from and misstatements in the entity’s financial statements, which consist of the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows for one or more prior periods ascending from a failure to use relevant and reliable information that was available when financial statement (FS) for those periods was sanction for the issue, and could reasonably be expected to have been taken into account in the preparation and presentation financial statements. Such errors include:
Accounting treatment of prior period errors
The organization must correct material prior period errors retrospectively in the first set of financial statements approved for issue after their finding by restating:
The immaterial prior period error can be corrected in the period’s financial statement in which it is discovered.
Change in accounting estimate v/s prior period errors
Particulars | Change in accounting estimates | Prior period errors |
When there is | The result from new information or new developments. | The result from failure to use or misuse of available information. |
Examples | Change in the useful life of depreciable assets. | Forget to incorporate borrowing costs in the cost of machinery. |
Accounting treatment when there is | Prospectively | Retrospectively |
At AJSH, we assist our clients in bookkeeping, payroll, auditing, taxation, secretarial compliances and preparation of financial statements ensuring compliance with applicable standards. If you have any questions or wish to know more about IND AS 8, kindly contact us.